Online Event: Movie Night Saturday Aug 11th

So this weekend we are having movie night. We will be using to stream it. Please reply with suggestions. I will decide on the movie Friday night. Hope to see y’all there.

Kinda have to put this one… sorry… but zootopia

I figured that one would pop up, lol. It was a really good movie.

I have a list of good movies: Thor ragnarok, Baby Driver, John wick, Kingsman, Father of the year, Starwars the last Jedi, Starwars the force awakens, guardians of the galaxy 2, AntMan, Spider-Man homecoming, Face off, wild hogs, and Deep blue sea

I don’t think any of them was rated r( except maybe deep blue sea) so they should be ok even if there are young peps

Imp, thanks for the suggestions. I think all of those are good except the Star Wars ones. So if no one else responds by tomorrow night, I’ll choose between those movies.