Moved to Knoxville Last Year, Anybody Here?

Having been engrossed in online interactions so much it only very recently occurred to me that I don’t actually know anybody here, and I feel like it would behoove me to at least meet some people in the meantime, even if I don’t plan on staying here forever (indeed, I’m looking to book it to Canada first opportunity I get . . . which is probably after next year’s FWA).

So, hello! How are you people? My name is Taz, and I am a game designer/developer as well as a pika (Ochotona princeps). Hablo español tambien. It will be very nice to meet you all!

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Hiya! Im a freelance artist :> im an hour away though! Im looking for some friends irl though so if you wanna talk or anything let me know :smiley:

Hey I live in Knoxville and I’m in desperate want of nice furry friends

i’m in knoxville! :3

i’m a cartoonist and i’d love to meet more furry friends!

Hey y’all. This page is kinda a stepping point to get into our Discord.

Join us here. If you need another invite hit me up on Discord.
